Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fire Defensibility

I'm learning things today that I have never had to think about before. The wind has been AWFUL here in Richmond (as have my allergies) and we've had some grass fires around Austin in the news lately.    The Firewise movement started as an effort to help homeowners protect their lives and property in the event of a wildfire. Even here in Texas, given the drought in some areas of the state and the high winds we sometimes experience, Firewise principles could save homes and lives. 

The house we are moving to in New Mexico is in an area that is rated very dangerous for wildfires. As I was looking for information on gardening in New Mexico, I began to learn that landscaping can save your house, and your butt, in areas that are subject to wildfires. The New Mexico State Forestry Division has a web page devoted to strategies for making your house more defensible in the event of a fire and provides lists of plants that are fire resistant. One of the first things we will have to do is establish a Zone 1 around our house. It has been empty for several years and the brush and dry grass have accumulated way to close to the house. We are on a hill, and fire loves to run uphill, so it will be particularly critical on the downhill side of the house. One more thing on my to-do list.

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