Sunday, December 6, 2009

Food for the mind

One aspect of living more wisely, at least for me, is to spend more time on things that feed your mind and soul. I've tried to do more reading and writing and less watching of the boob-tube. Or, if I am in front of the tube at night with the hubby (who collects movies), I have a knitting or crochet project in hand and work on creating my own designs.

I do make a couple of exceptions though. I have found two web sites that showcase truly inspirational videos. Be careful if you are at work because it is easy to lose a whole afternoon to one of these sites.

ArtBabble was created by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and allows you to explore the art world through video. Really fascinating, whether you are an art lover or not, and the videos go far beyond just looking at paintings or sculpture.

Another wonderful and inspirational site is TED. TED videos are free to the world and showcase brilliant and truly remarkable people sharing ideas that make you stop and think about the world around you. TED Talks cover every conceivable topic, ranging from business to science to design.

So get a cuppa tea or coffee and settle in some afternoon and watch a video or two. Betcha can't stop with just one!!